Espalier and Grafting workshops Local and ZOOM

From: "Woodbridge Fruit Trees" <do-not-reply@PROTECTED>
Subject: Espalier and Grafting workshops Local and ZOOM
Date: July 10th 2023

Espalier Dear Friends and Customers of Woodbridge Fruit Trees,

Every year I offer workshops on Espaliering fruit trees and Grafting fruit trees - below are the dates for workshops - held locally in Cygnet (southern Tasmania) and via ZOOM.

ZOOM workshops: to support remote learning, Im offering an espalier workshop and a grafting workshop via ZOOM this year. The grafting workshop via ZOOM requires physical course material (scion wood, practice wood, grafting knife, buddy tape) so please register early to give time for the materials to be shipped to you.

The cost is $45 for the Espalier workshop and $105 for the grafting workshop (Zoom version will require extra shipping cost)

Grafting Course Content:

  • How to harvest and store scion wood.
  • How to prepare the root-stock.
  • Whip and tongue grafting - the gold standard for grafting a variety (scion) onto a rootstock of similar or larger diameter.
  • Cutting technique
  • Binding/ taping technique
  • Bark (Crown) grafting demonstration - reworking an old tree
  • Grafting knife sharpening and maintenance
  • Secateurs sharpening and maintenance
  • Information sheets provided with illustrations.

Espalier Course Content:

  • Explanation of Espalier technique including Horizontal-T espalier, Fan espalier, step-over esplaier.
  • Construction of various espalier trellises and fences.
  • Planting the fruit tree, pruning and tying onto a wire.
  • Different techniques for keeping branches where you want them.
  • Pruning technique for future shaping of espaliers.

Happy gardening for 2023,

Nik Magnus

Woodbridge Fruit Trees

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